Nafpenzal dc, suspensão intramamária para bovinos e ovinos
Nafpenzal dc, suspensão intramamária para bovinos e ovinos
Not authorised
- Dihydrostreptomycin
- Benzylpenicillin procaine
- Nafcillin
Product identification
Medicine name:
Nafpenzal dc, suspensão intramamária para bovinos e ovinos
Active substance:
- Dihydrostreptomycin
- Benzylpenicillin procaine
- Nafcillin
Target species:
Cattle (dairy cow at drying-off)
Sheep (dry ewe)
Route of administration:
Intramammary use
Product details
Active substance and strength:
Benzylpenicillin procaine300.00milligram(s)1.00Syringe
Pharmaceutical form:
Intramammary suspension
Withdrawal period by route of administration:
Intramammary use
Cattle (dairy cow at drying-off)
Meat and offal16dayOs animais não devem ser abatidos para consumo humano durante o tratamento
Milk42dayIntervalo no tratamento-parto > 42 dias = 48 horas após o parto. Intervalo no tratamento-parto ≤ 42 dias = 44 dias após o tratamento.
Sheep (dry ewe)
Meat and offal28dayOs animais não devem ser abatidos para consumo humano durante o tratamento
Milk3monthIntervalo no tratamento-parto ≥ 3 meses = 6 dias após o parto. Intervalo no tratamento-parto < 3 meses = 14 dias após o parto.
Anatomical therapeutic chemical veterinary (ATCvet) codes:
- QJ51RC23
Legal status of supply:
Veterinary medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription
Authorisation status:
Authorised in:
Package description:
- Available only in Portuguese
- Available only in Portuguese
Additional information
Entitlement type:
Marketing Authorisation
Legal basis of product authorisation:
Full application (Article 12(3) of Directive No 2001/82/EC)
Marketing authorisation holder:
- MSD Animal Health Lda.
Marketing authorisation date:
Manufacturing sites for batch release:
- Intervet International B.V.
Responsible authority:
- Directorate General For Food And Veterinary
Authorisation number:
- 1248/01/19NFVPT
Date of authorisation status change:
To consult adverse reactions on veterinary medicinal products please go to
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Published on: 29/05/2023
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