T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
- Mebezonium iodide
- Embutramide
- Tetracaine hydrochloride
Identificação do produto
Nome do medicamento:
T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
T 61 Solution injectable
T 61 Injektionslösung
Espécies alvo:
Via de administração:
Via intrapulmonar
Via intracardíaca
Via intravenosa
Detalhes do medicamento veterinário
Forma farmacêutica:
Solução injetável
Intervalo de Segurança por via de administração:
Via intrapulmonar
- Dog
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Cat
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Mink
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Ornamental bird
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Laboratory animals
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Pigeon
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Via intracardíaca
- Dog
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Via intravenosa
- Cattle
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Horse
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
- Dog
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Código Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATCvet):
- QN51AX50
Classificação Quanto à dispensa:
Medicamento veterinário sujeito a prescrição veterinária
Estado da autorização:
Autorisado em:
Descrição da embalagem:
- Disponível apenas em English
Informações adicionais
Titular da Autorização de Introdução no Mercado:
- Intervet International B.V.
Data de Autorização de Introdução no Mercado:
Locais de fabrico para a libertação de lotes:
- Intervet International GmbH
Autoridade responsável:
- Federal Agency For Medicines And Health Products
Número da autorização:
- BE-V179304
Data de alteração do estado de autorização:
Para consultar as notificações de suspeitas de eventos adversos: www.adrreports.eu/vet
Resumo das características do medicamento
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Publicado em: 22/03/2022
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