T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
- Mebezonium iodide
- Embutramide
- Tetracaine hydrochloride
Идентификация на продукта
Име на лекарството:
T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
T 61 Solution injectable
T 61 Injektionslösung
Видове животни, за които е предназначен продукта:
декоративна птица
лабораторни животни
Начин на приложение:
Интрапулмонално приложение
Интракардиално приложение
Интравенозно приложение
Данни за продукта
Фармацевтична форма:
Инжекционен разтвор
Карентен срок по начин на приложение:
Интрапулмонално приложение
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
декоративна птица
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
лабораторни животни
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Интракардиално приложение
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Интравенозно приложение
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Ветеринарномедицински Анатомо-Терапевтичен (ATCvet) Код:
- QN51AX50
Статус на разрешението за търговия:
Описание на опаковката:
- Налично само в English
Допълнителна информация
Притежател на разрешение за търговия:
- Intervet International B.V.
Дата на разрешение за търговия:
Производители отговорни за освобождаване на партидата:
- Intervet International GmbH
Отговорен орган:
- Federal Agency For Medicines And Health Products
Номер на разрешението за търговия:
- BE-V179304
Дата на промяна в статуса на разрешението за търговия:
За справка относно неблагоприятни реакции от ветеринарни лекарствени продукти, моля посетете www.adrreports.eu/vet
Кратка характеристика на продукта
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Този документ не съществува на този език (български). Можете да го намерите на друг език по-долу.
Данни върху опаковката
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