T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
- Mebezonium iodide
- Embutramide
- Tetracaine hydrochloride
Vaisto identifikaciniai duomenys
Vaisto pavadinimas:
T 61 Oplossing voor injectie
T 61 Solution injectable
T 61 Injektionslösung
Paskirties gyvūnų rūšis (-ys):
Dekoratyviniai paukščiai
Laboratoriniai gyvūnai
Vaisto duomenys
Vaisto forma:
Injekcinis tirpalas
Withdrawal period by route of administration:
Intrapulmonary use
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Dekoratyviniai paukščiai
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Laboratoriniai gyvūnai
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Leisti į širdį
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Leisti į veną
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Meat and offalno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption
Anatominės, terapinės ir cheminės veterinarinių vaistų klasifikacijos (ATCvet) kodas:
- QN51AX50
Registracijos statusas:
Pakuotės aprašymas:
- Pateikiama tik English
Papildoma informacija
- Intervet International B.V.
Marketing authorisation date:
Serijos išleidimo gamybos vietos:
- Intervet International GmbH
Atsakinga institucija:
- Federal Agency For Medicines And Health Products
Registracijos pažymėjimo numeris:
- BE-V179304
Registracijos statuso pasikeitimo data:
Pranešimai apie įtariamus nepageidaujamus reiškinius: www.adrreports.eu/vet
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Paskelbta: 14/10/2024
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