Nuflor Minidose 450 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle
Nuflor Minidose 450 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle
Not authorised
- Florfenicol
Product identification
Medicine name:
Nuflor Minidose 450 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle
Nuflor Minidose 450 mg/ml ενέσιμο διάλυμα για βοοειδή
Active substance:
- Florfenicol
Target species:
Route of administration:
Subcutaneous use
Intramuscular use
Product details
Active substance and strength:
Pharmaceutical form:
Solution for injection
Withdrawal period by route of administration:
Subcutaneous use
Milkno withdrawal periodNot permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.
Meat and offal64day
Intramuscular use
Milkno withdrawal periodNot permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.
Meat and offal37day
Anatomical therapeutic chemical veterinary (ATCvet) codes:
- QJ01BA90
Legal status of supply:
Veterinary medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription
Authorisation status:
Authorised in:
Package description:
- (ID3) 250 millilitre(s): unspecified outer container with 1 Vial (Glass) with 250 millilitre(s), closed with Stopper (bromobutyl rubber`)
- (ID2) 100 millilitre(s): unspecified outer container with 1 Vial (Glass) with 100 millilitre(s), closed with Stopper (bromobutyl rubber`)
- (ID1) 50 millilitre(s): unspecified outer container with 1 Vial (Glass) with 50 millilitre(s), closed with Stopper (bromobutyl rubber`)
Additional information
Entitlement type:
Marketing Authorisation
Legal basis of product authorisation:
Generic application (Article 13(1) of Directive No 2001/82/EC)
Marketing authorisation holder:
- Intervet International B.V.
Marketing authorisation date:
Manufacturing sites for batch release:
- Intervet International GmbH
- Trirx Segre
- Vet Pharma Friesoythe GmbH
Responsible authority:
- Veterinary Services, Ministry Of Agriculture, Natural Resources And Environment
Authorisation number:
- CY00163V
Date of authorisation status change:
Reference member state:
Procedure number:
- DE/V/0122/001
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