Quanifen (50 mg Praziquantel / 500 mg Fenbendazole) Tablets for Cats and Dogs
Quanifen (50 mg Praziquantel / 500 mg Fenbendazole) Tablets for Cats and Dogs
Not authorised
- Praziquantel
- Fenbendazole
Product identification
Medicine name:
Quanifen (50 mg Praziquantel / 500 mg Fenbendazole) Tablets for Cats and Dogs
Quanifen (50 mg Praziquantel / 500 mg Fenbendazol) - Tabletten für Hunde und Katzen
Active substance:
- Praziquantel
- Fenbendazole
Target species:
Route of administration:
Oral use
Product details
Active substance and strength:
Pharmaceutical form:
Withdrawal period by route of administration:
Oral use
Anatomical therapeutic chemical veterinary (ATCvet) codes:
- QP52AA51
Legal status of supply:
Medicinal product on medical prescription for renewable delivery
Authorisation status:
Authorised in:
Package description:
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 96 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 120 tablets
- White high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers with a white polypropylene child resistant tamper evident cap.Pack sizes:Containers: 20 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 24 tablets
- White high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers with a white polypropylene child resistant tamper evident cap.Pack sizes:Containers: 30 tablets
- White high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers with a white polypropylene child resistant tamper evident cap.Pack sizes:Containers: 60 tablets
- White high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers with a white polypropylene child resistant tamper evident cap.Pack sizes:Containers: 100 tablets
- Strips: 30 µ aluminium foil coated with 35 gsm extruded polythene.Blisters: Foil blisters (aluminium/aluminium)Pack sizes:Strips and blisters: 50 tablets
Additional information
Entitlement type:
Marketing Authorisation
Legal basis of product authorisation:
Well-established use application (Article 13a of Directive No 2001/82/EC)
Marketing authorisation holder:
- Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Limited
Marketing authorisation date:
Manufacturing sites for batch release:
- Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Limited
Responsible authority:
- Austrian Agency For Health And Food Safety
Authorisation number:
- 8-00659
Date of authorisation status change:
Reference member state:
Procedure number:
- IE/V/0175/001
To consult adverse reactions on veterinary medicinal products please go to www.adrreports.eu/vet
Summary of Product Characteristics
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Published on: 21/06/2013
Updated on: 13/06/2023
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Published on: 21/06/2013
Updated on: 13/06/2023
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