T 61 solution injectable
T 61 solution injectable
- Embutramide
- Mebezonium iodide
- Tetracaine hydrochloride
Identification du produit
Dénomination du médicament:
T 61 solution injectable
T 61 Injektionslösung
Voie d’administration:
Voie intrabronchique
Voie intracardiaque
Voie intraveineuse
Informations sur le produit
Forme pharmaceutique:
Solution injectable
Temps d'attente par voie d'administration:
Voie intrabronchique
Viande et abatsno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption.
Viande et abatsno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption.
Oiseaux de volière
Viande et abatsno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption.
Laboratory animals
Viande et abatsno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption.
Voie intracardiaque
Voie intraveineuse
Viande et abatsno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption.
Viande et abatsno withdrawal periodEuthanised animals should not be used as food (animal or human). Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that carcasses of animals treated with this product and the by-products of these animals do not enter the food chain and are not used for human or animal consumption.
Code anatomique, thérapeutique, chimique, vétérinaire (ATCvet):
- QN51AX50
Conditions de délivrance:
Médicament vétérinaire soumis à prescription vétérinaire
Statut de l’autorisation:
Autorisé en:
Description des conditionnements:
- Disponible uniquement en Anglais
Informations complémentaires
Type d'autorisation:
Marketing Authorisation
Titulaire de l’autorisation de mise sur le marché:
- Intervet International B.V.
Date de l'autorisation de mise sur le marché:
Site(s) de libération des lots du produit fini:
- Intervet International GmbH
Autorité responsable:
- Ministry Of Health
Numéro de l’autorisation:
- V 416/97/04/0547
Date de modification du statut de l’autorisation:
Pour connaître les évènements indésirables rapportés concernant les médicaments vétérinaires, consulter ce site www.adrreports.eu/vet
Résumé des caractéristiques du produit
français (PDF)
Télécharger Publié le: 11/08/2023
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