PestiGon Combo 134 mg / 120.6 mg spot-on solution for medium dogs
PestiGon Combo 134 mg / 120.6 mg spot-on solution for medium dogs
- (S)-Methoprene
- Fipronil
Product identification
Medicine name:
PestiGon Combo 134 mg / 120.6 mg spot-on solution for medium dogs
PestiGon Combo 134 mg/120,6 mg rácsepegtető oldat közepes testű kutyáknak A.U.V.
Active substance:
- (S)-Methoprene
- Fipronil
Target species:
Route of administration:
Spot-on use
Product details
Active substance and strength:
Pharmaceutical form:
Spot-on solution
Withdrawal period by route of administration:
Spot-on use
Anatomical therapeutic chemical veterinary (ATCvet) codes:
- QP53AX65
Legal status of supply:
Veterinary medicinal product not subject to veterinary prescription
Authorisation status:
Authorised in:
Package description:
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 1 pipette. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 2 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 3 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 4 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 6 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 8 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 12 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 24 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 30 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 60 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 90 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 120 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
- 1.34 ml pipette, moulded from a film composed of 3 layers: a polypropylene/COC/polypropylene, solvent free lacquer laminateand a copolymer of polyethylene/EVOH/polyethylene. The pipettes are sealed within a child resistant 4-ply foil sachetcomposed of LDPE/nylon/aluminium foil/polyester film and presented in an outer box.Boxes of 150 pipettes. Each pipette is individually sealed in a foil sachet.
Additional information
Entitlement type:
Marketing Authorisation
Legal basis of product authorisation:
Generic application (Article 13(1) of Directive No 2001/82/EC)
Marketing authorisation holder:
- Norbrook Laboratories (Ireland) Limited
Marketing authorisation date:
Manufacturing sites for batch release:
- Norbrook Laboratories Limited
- Norbrook Manufacturing Limited
Responsible authority:
- Directorate Of Veterinary Medicinal Products
Authorisation number:
- 3869/X/17 NÉBIH ÁTI
Date of authorisation status change:
Reference member state:
Procedure number:
- IE/V/0363/003
Concerned member states:
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
To consult adverse reactions on veterinary medicinal products please go to
Summary of Product Characteristics
English (PDF)
Download Published on: 3/05/2024
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