IBA-VAC liofilizāts iekšķīgai lietošanai ar dzeramo ūdeni vistām
IBA-VAC liofilizāts iekšķīgai lietošanai ar dzeramo ūdeni vistām
- Infectious bursal disease virus, strain 1-65 PV, Live
Product identification
Medicine name:
IBA-VAC liofilizāts iekšķīgai lietošanai ar dzeramo ūdeni vistām
Active substance:
- Infectious bursal disease virus, strain 1-65 PV, Live
Target species:
Chicken (broiler)
Chicken (layer hen)
Chicken (for reproduction)
Route of administration:
In drinking water use
Product details
Active substance and strength:
Infectious bursal disease virus, strain 1-65 PV, Live1000.0050% Embryo Infective Dose1.00unit(s)
Pharmaceutical form:
Lyophilisate for use in drinking water
Withdrawal period by route of administration:
In drinking water use
Chicken (broiler)
Meat and offal0day
Chicken (layer hen)
Meat and offal0day
Chicken (for reproduction)
Meat and offal0day
Anatomical therapeutic chemical veterinary (ATCvet) codes:
- QI01AD09
Legal status of supply:
Veterinary medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription
Authorisation status:
Authorised in:
Additional information
Entitlement type:
Marketing Authorisation
Legal basis of product authorisation:
Legal basis reviewed according to Acquis communautaire
Marketing authorisation holder:
- Fatro S.p.A.
Marketing authorisation date:
Manufacturing sites for batch release:
- Fatro S.p.A.
Responsible authority:
- Food And Veterinary Service
Authorisation number:
- V/NRP/02/1498
Date of authorisation status change:
To consult adverse reactions on veterinary medicinal products please go to www.adrreports.eu/vet
Summary of Product Characteristics
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Published on: 19/03/2024
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